tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 26 16:11:30 1999

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> BTW: it's KLBC, not KLBG. The abbreviation stands for: Klingon Language
> Beginner's Contribution.

Wow, just when I thought I had seen every possible interpretation of what KLBC might be,
some creative person comes up with another one.  :)  As it turns out, the original
suggestion was for a beginner's conversation, where beginners could read/write back and
forth, using simple, direct sentences for practice.  Then the Beginner's Grammarian
position was added, and the rest is history.  The C in KLBC was for Conversation.

That little tidbit had been forgotten for a long time, though, and many alternative
suggestions were put forth.  SuStel, if I remember correctly, called it the Beginner's
Corner (which I really liked).  Other ones were "Club" and "Conference."  There were
probably others, too.

> HovqIj
> -- temporary BG

-- Holtej 'utlh

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