tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 16 12:00:08 1999

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Re: Qo'noS system

Perhaps I've been guilty of this as well, but it seems like 
lately an unusual number of posts have been made while 
forgetting the purpose of this list.

Write about anything you want while using the Klingon language 
or write about the Klingon language. Do not write in a language 
other than Klingon about a topic which is not the Klingon 


chaq batlhHa' jIvangpu' je, 'ach qen potlh lulIjlaw' labwI'pu'. 
naDev cha' Qu' DIghaj. tlhIngan Hol wIjatlh. tlhIngan Hol wIqel.

tlhIngan Hol Dalo'taHvIS qechlIjmey Daqelbogh vISaHbe'. qay'be'. 
tlhIngan Hol DaqeltaHvIS Hol Dalo'bogh vISaHbe'. qay'be'.

'ach tlhIngan Hol Dalo'be'taHvIS tlhIngan Hol Daqelbe'chugh, 
naDev yIlabQo'!


On Thu, 16 Dec 1999 19:29:25 +0000 Gabor Szabolcs Koszper 
<[email protected]> wrote:

> Hi!
> I don't want to say it again that the others told you, only that it was 
> everytime a great miracle, when the Enterprise were thrown out of our 
> Galaxy. It was a great happening, when the Voyager were thrown to the 
> other end of our Galaxy. They didn't know about the peoples that live on 
> the other end of the wormhole. And it was a miracle to, when Cpt. Kirk 
> headed (I mean the Enterprise) headed to the center of the Galaxy, to "God".
> (I think it was the first time, you could saw on the ship an old naval 
> ship's steering wheel, and on its basement was written: "To go there 
> where no man has gone before!" - I think it was like this. I can't 
> remember the words, only the meaning of the sentence, sorry.)
>  Oh, I almost forgot. What had happened to the ST films' ends. At the end 
> of the first couple movies there was a sentence, that was "continued" 
> form movie to movie. But I didn't saw it at the end of the movies with 
> Cpt. Picard. I loved that effect, when the E. jumped onto warp and I read 
> the sentence.
> 					Gabor

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