tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 13 03:53:12 1999

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a young Warrior

I apologize, I don't speak yet so good the warrior's language (I wouldn't
apologize using the warrior's language). I'm Gabor son of vIlmosh from the
house of Qosper. (I don't know, if the spelling is ok, I will correct it
later.) I'm hungarian, so I can add some foreign language plus, that
could help in the warrior's language.
 To the Klingon's nautical technicus terminus: what does calicap mean? I
heard it like that, when I heard the klingons speak in English, and in
German. And I think, that the makers of the films don't think about not
to mirror translate the expressions like zero zero zero mark two. I don't
think, that they would mean it so seriously the series. (I think they
should have.) What about the Klingon speak for example in the first
movie? Is it not canon? Or is it a "bit" canon? I liked it.
 Who knows what the word klingon means? We here in Hungary say it
klingon, as in english or german. (I didn't think, that some languagews
say other words.) But in german the ferengi sounds like ferrendi and they
say funny the cardassians. We say vulcans or vulcanits. (Or in hungarian:
"vulkanita" in plural: "vulkanitak" with an apostroph above the last
letter a.) And the hungarian "r" is the same as the klingon "r" so I like it.
 Bit off topic: Do you know the band Manowar? I think it would be great
in the warrior's language, its texts are made for it!
			so for now, I wave goodbye:
				Gabor, Son of Vilmosh From The House Of Qosper

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