tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 01 09:37:15 1999

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Re: days of the week/months of the year

> When talking about Earth months, it's usually perfectly acceptable to use
> <jar> or <tera' jar> for "month". For specific month names, just use the
> English name - since Klingons don't share our calendar, they certainly don't
> have names for our months.

This may not necessarily be true. Almost all terran languages will translate the names of languages
and months to their own language, even if they do not use the calendar in question. This is usually
done to preserve the flow in the language (sometimes to account for sounds that do exist in the src
language but not in the language to which one is translating.

Perhaps it would be less confusing here to "convert" them (so no one mistakes it for a "real word")
but there is precedent for a translation of the names for languages in general.


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