tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 13 06:09:23 1999

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Re: Attending a school (was RE: Daq vIDabbogh vIchoH)

On Fri, 13 Aug 1999 01:29:41 EDT [email protected] wrote:

> In a message dated 8/12/99 3:37:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> [email protected] writes:
> << Look at how surprising {Dub} was. >>
> chay' mer?

Most people expected the subject of the gloss "improve" to be 
the entity doing the improving so that {DubmoH} would be the 
form of the verb used when A causes B to improve. Meanwhile, 
Okrand has used {Dub} twice and both times the subject was the 
agent of improvement and the entity improved was the direct 
object. Apparently, were you to add {-moH}, the subject would be 
causing a second entity to improve a third entity.

If you use the one grammatical example we have of this sort of 
thing which I tend to accept and several others tend to reject, 
the first entity would be the subject, the second entity would 
be the indirect object (using {-vaD) and the third entity would 
be the direct object.

Most of us were surprised that a bare {Dub} took a direct object.
> T'Lod


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