tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 05 20:58:13 1999

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Re: Hello

ja' "Angela Anuszewski" <[email protected]>:
>	naDev tlhInganpu' tu'lu'. Hechlu' meH QaQ jajvam! maj Hegh!

The first sentence is taken verbatim from the "Useful Klingon Phrases"
appendix of The Klingon Dictionary, and it means "There are Klingons
around here."

The second is apparently supposed to be the phrase {Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam},
found in The Klingon Way, meaning "It is a good day to die."

The last sentence is...odd.  I *think* it's intended to mean "Die well",
but it is actually an exclamation meaning "ok, fine" followed by either
the noun "death" or the verb "he dies".  It would probably be better as
{batlh yIHegh}, "Die with honor", or better yet as {batlh bIHeghjaj},
"May you die with honor."

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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