tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 28 06:40:53 1999

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Odd dream.

I was reading the (excellent) book "The Sparrow", which is about the first
contact with another intelligent race, led by Jesuits.  There is huge
amount of linguistics within the story, which (I think) led to my dream: 

I dreamed that I was talking to our music/evangelism minister at church
about a bumper sticker that he had which had a Hebrew word on it.  It said
something about being a servant of God, but it seems like we were talking
about whether it should be "b'nai" (children) of God instead of what it
had "'avwI'". 

Only after I woke up did I realize that in the dream the word we were
saying was 'servant', "'avwI'", was the Klingon word for "one who guards". 
The HEBREW word is "abad" or "avad", as in OBADiah (servant of the LORD).
(see also the related Arabic word Abdullah, servant of Allah). 


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