tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 19 13:19:35 1999

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For the people who do not know me (anymore); I'm a student from a university
in the Netherlands and I'm working on my thesis "Klingon and its speakers. A
sociolinguistic profile". When I became a member of this list, I introduced
myself and have asked for help a few times. 
In december I asked if there were people who would help me with a survey in
time and many of you responded. Now my survey is ready and I hope many of
you will help me to profile "the Klingon speaker". You can help me by
filling out the survey that is available on internet. The address is:  

Because I need a lot of people to make my profile reliable, maybe you can
give the address of the survey to people you know, people who speak Klingon
but are not on this list. 
As I have told before, when my thesis is ready, I place it somewhere on the
internet, so you can all read what I have done. When I'm ready, I send the
address to the list.
Thanks for your help,
Judith Hermans
Judith Hendriks-Hermans       [email protected]
Groesbeeksedwarsweg 229       NL-6521 DJ Nijmegen,          
The Netherlands,              (..+31)(0)24-3609989
" wie het laatst lacht, heeft een erg traag gevoel voor humor"

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