tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Oct 19 15:36:58 1998

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RE:KLBC ( request for help with a song)

Right.  I have managed to come up with an English version of the song, 
more or less.  

The Empire heralds the arrival of a female warrior
First born of the house of Cook
Glory be to you and your house

The days passed long in the 9 months of waiting
And longer still in the 9th moon of the year

A herald came, brown faced and wise
Cliff the protector, soft of foot and large of nose

The three from the land of the Dragon came
Loyal Friends, with stories of war and valient escapes

Friends re-united gathered to welcome the arrival
The blood wine flowed and the halls echoed with song

A targ hunt commenced on the 26th night
The chase was noble and the hearts of the warriors sang

But still there was nothing
The dragon warriors left, their vessel in need of repair

And then on the 29th night as the fires of the empire burned the sky
The first daughter of the house of Cook was born

Bethany the warrior
Whose cries could be heard (can't think of an end to this line...)
Kahless acknowledged her right to (again, drawn a blank here...)

Right, well that's about it. I will attempt to convert it into klingon, 
but to be honest, writing it in English was hard enough.

thanks for the help.

Dan - novice

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