tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 17 20:24:14 1998

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Re: DS9:

>In Star Trek Generations, Worf's knees can be seen to be bloodied by red 
>blood as he climbs from the water to the ship.

qarbe' De'vam.  qaStaHvIS lut 'ay'vetlh wo'rIv qIvDu'Daq rItlh tu'lu', 'Iw
'oHbe'.  Duj Somvo' ghoS rItlhvam.  yIQ Dujvetlh rItlh.  

SKI:  This is not quite right.  In that scene, Worf gets paint on his
knees.  The ship they used in the filming had just been painted, so when
Worf climbed out of the water, he got red paint from the ships hull on his


>>Still, Paramount usually makes sure
>>Vulcans and Romulans bleed green!
>>I imagine fake blood only comes in one color.  (Do they buy it off the
>>shelf in
>>Hollywood?)  Obviously ST6 had a bigger budget and much more time to 
>>getting all the details right.
>Perhaps the lavender blood was used in ST6 because of the scenes where 
>the blood would be floating in zero gravity.  This may be considered too 
>gruesome a scene to some if the blood were realistically resembling 
>human blood. 
>>Of course, to Klingons it's all just a different shade of {Doq} anyway.
>Perhaps Klingon blood has a characteristic property that changes the 
>perceived color depending on the light in the environment.  Just a 
>Dawut (David)
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