tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 10 18:13:35 1998

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Re: Story

Hiya Adam, welcome.  The regular Beginners' Grammarian (i.e. "guy who helps
beginners") is away, but I used to have that job and I'm in the mood for
reprising my old duties this weekend.  

This is a good start.  I can see that you figured out the "object verb
subject" order on your own, and just left out some things that you didn't
know how to say.  Let me fill in the missing parts, and give you a chance to
try some on your own.  I sense you will get this on your own if I just show
you where to look.

> TITLE:tlhiganqoq
> (The so called klingon)

Good use of a noun suffix
Spelling: /tlhIngan/  Every letter, including the capitalization is necessary.

> *tlhingan wa' yIt tlhingan cha'*
> (Klingon 2 walks to Klingon 1)

As you know, you just have the words "Klingon 2 walks Klingon 1" there,
hoping that the idea of motion towards would take care of itself.  It
doesn't.  Have a look at /-Daq/ in section 3.3.5.  

/tlhIngan wa'Daq yIt tlhIngan cha'/

> tlhingan wa':dIvI' jImus
> (klingon one:I hate the federation)

Look at the chart on p. 33.  When the object of the verb - as with /muS/
here - is 3rd person and the subject is first person singular, you need the
(I-it/him/her) prefix, /vI-/.  /DIvI' vImuS/.  Note again that every shift
is necessary.

> tlhingan cha':roj dIvI' 
> (Klingon 2:The Federationb is peace)

Klingon doesn't have the verb 'to be' so if you really want to say "is
peace" you need to use a round about way.  I suggest instead saying "The
Federation maintains peace" or "represents peace" or such like.  Have a go.
Watch spelling again.

> *HIgh tlhigan wa' cha'*
> (Klingon 1 and 2 fight)

The verb /HIgh/ means "fight dirty".  The ordinary verb fight is /Suv/.
Repeat the word /tlhIngan/ (and spell it correctly) for each number, instead
of trying to double up like in English. You also need a conjunction to
connect your two Klingons.  See section 5.3 ... careful! and try this
sentence again.

> tlhgan wa' and cha' HoH (each other)
> (Klingon 1 and 2 kill each other)

You were doing so well with putting the subjects after the verb until here.
But you're missing a tool to finish the sentence. Read section 4.2.1 and try
this again, remembering what you learned from section 5.3.

Don't worry if this takes a few iterations to get right.  It's hard
starting, but gets easier as you stop having to look EVERYTHING up every time.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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