tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 28 19:22:27 1998

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Re: prepositional phrases

>Avraham Chapman:
>>As a learning exercise, I've been translating Doctor Seuss' 'The Cat 
>>the Hat'. Unfortunately, he uses a lot of prepositional phrases and I
>>don't know how to do them. Specifically, I'm looking for 'in the NOUN'
>>where NOUN = any noun.
>>Your first example - "in the NOUN where NOUN" - is a variant of the
>>infamous "ship in which I fled" problem, which has been frequently and
>>inconclusively debated in this forum. You may have to split this into 
>>sentences. There is no law which says that one sentence in English 
>>become two (or more) sentences in Klingon, or vice versa.
>>I think you misread this, Voragh. "looking for 'in the NOUN' where 
>>any noun." "In the ship" is <DujDaq>. "In the leg" is <'uSDaq>. 
>Aha, you're right.  I thought Avraham was trying something a bit more
>complicated.  If I understand him now, what he wants to say is just 
>Cat in the Hat".  As it happens, this is STILL a variant of "the ship 
>which I fled" problem: i.e. "the cat which/who is in the hat". Luckily, 
>this case there is a way to avoid the problem: 
>  mIv tuQbogh vIghro'
>  the Cat in the Hat
>  ("the v'gro [who is] wearing a helmet")
>as in:
>  QImmey SuD targh Ha'DIbaH je SoplI' mIv tuQbogh vIghro'
>  The Cat in the Hat is eating green eggs and ham.
>  ("The v'gro wearing a helmet is eating green eggs and targ meat.")
>But since Avraham didn't say what he was trying to translate, this is 
>a guess until he provides more information.
>Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

In this case, I am trying to translate, 'So we sat in the house.'

When I'm done with a few pages at least, I'll post what I have for 
discussion.  By the way, though my email says 'Avraham', call me 'Avi'.


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