tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat May 30 11:35:32 1998

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Re: KLBC: vavwI' be'nI'

At 10:58 98-05-29 -0700, Dustin wrote:
}NuqneH, tlhIngan'pu.
}Hi, My Name is Dustin Beard. I've Lernded a bit Klingon On the Star 
}Trek: Klingon Game. And I'm eager to learn more. E-mail me back, Bye.

Hi there, Dustin.  The first tool you need to learn Klingon is The Klingon
Dictionary.  If you've got that, just pick it up and start reading, and ask
us questions as you go along.  If you put the letters "KLBC" in the subject
line that will ensure that the Beginners' Grammarian looks at it.

}NuqneH, tlhIngan'pu.

Never capitalize things in Klingon for emphasis or just because they are at
the beginning of a line.  {nuqneH} always has a lower case {n}.

The word tlhInganpu' is made up of the word {tlhIngan} "Klingon" followed by
the suffix {-pu'} plural, like the "-s" at the end of "Klingons."  The {'}
is a letter at the end of the suffix {-pu'}.  It's part of its spelling.
Never add or remove a {'}-letter anywhere in a Klingon word. It's not a
separator or an option.  The {'} is just another letter in Klingon.

{tlhInganpu'} - Klingons.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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