tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 28 23:38:02 1998

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Re: I need a teacher...

At 17:06 98-05-28 -0700, R'Ekzhal wrote:
}>I need a teacher. I am just beginning, and need instruction for grammar and
}usage of words. Anyway, I hope to hear from somebody...

That's my job at the moment, R'Ekzhal.  Read the grammar portion of your
Klingon Dictionary (you have to have one, it's the only source), one section
at a time and ask questions about it and try out what you learn on the list.
Put the letters "KLBC" in the subject line and then I'll read it and do what
I can to help you out.  Once I see what you you come up with I can give you
some practice exercises to work on problem areas.  If you're completely
stumped on how or where to start, turn to the Appendix in p 170-172 and make
some small changes to one of the phrases there, to make it mean something

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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