tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun May 24 15:24:17 1998

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Re: G'trok

>G'trok wrote The Fall of Kang, I know, but how would I spell his name in
>Klingon?  I would like to render it as ghItroq.  Anyone want to comment?

*ghItraq with an <a> would be more consistent with Okrand's transcription. 

You're right to use <I> for interconsonantal <'> or a consonant cluster: 
K'tinga = qItI'nga or qItI'nga', Grilka = ghIrIlqa', K'vort = qIvo'rIt,
Worf = wo'rIv.  *ghItroq with an <o> would rhyme with English "broke", not
"rock".  Okrandian examples are Martok = martaq, Gowron = ghawran, Jean-Luc
= janluq and T'Ong = tI'ang. 

Pay attention to the way the word is pronounced, not how it is spelled in
English.  Another example of this principle is the title of G'trok's epic
itself, which was translated in KGT: "The Fall of Kang" or <lu qeng>. 


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