tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 22 06:39:27 1998

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lo'laHghach (was: Quj bej Holtej qorDu')

ja' SuStel:
> For another, {lo'laHghach} must obviously be {lo'} + {-laH} + {-ghach}, not
> {lo'laH} + {-ghach}.
but {lo'} + {laH} + {-ghach} literally means "ability to use";
how does that mean "value" (TKD p.176)?

{lo'laH} + {-ghach} means "valuableness" or something like that;
I can see how THAT could mean "value".

Or do you suggest that {lo'}+{-laH}+{-ghach} has lost the literal
meaning and is now a 3-syllabic noun meaning "value"??

I'd rather say that {lo'laH}+{-ghach} has been in use long enough
to not be considered marked anymore.

                                           Marc Ruehlaender
                                           aka HomDoq
                                           [email protected]

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