tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 21 14:52:41 1998

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Re: Quj bej Holtej qorDu'

: "Be near" does seem ripe for an
: object, though it is one of those verbs beginning with "be". It
: is an interesting verb, since it both strongly suggests an
: object, as you have used it, {Duj vISum} and it suggests that
: it could be used adjectivally {Duj Sum yIghoS!}.

: Okrand himself has held off on answering that question.  The main reason I
: assume it is intransitive is because {Hop}, described simply as "far" (on
: Conversational Klingon) would have to be "far from" to be transitive, and
: {Sum}/{Hop} certainly does seem to be a corresponding pair.  Annoyingly,
: {Hop} does not appear in Klingon for the Galactic Traveler.
: I certainly don't like {Duj vIHop} as "I am far from the ship," but I see
: this as necessary if you're going to say {Duj vISum}.  {Hop Duj} and {Sum
: Duj} work fairly well, when used correctly.

"As for how to use {Sum} `be near, nearby'--that will require some more time
with Maltz.  {Do' Sum matlh.}  I would think, however, that it would work
the same way as {Hop} `be far'." (MO on Expert Forum 9/97)

Hop  "be remote, be far" (v) ["Quality, to be at a great distance from."
(STC "definition")]

  SuvwI' vI' Dub naQvam 'ej ray' HopDaq bachlu'meH chuqna' ghurmoH naQvam 
  This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range
   for distance targeting. S14

logh Hop  "deep space" 

  HaDlu'meH, QuSlu'meH, SuDlu'meH lojmIt Da logh Hop Hut tengchaH. vaj loghDaq
   lenglaHtaH Humanpu' 
  space station Deep Space Nine is the gateway for the exploration, intrigue and
   enterprise that mark the continuation of the human adventure into
space... DSN99

Sum  "be near, be nearby" (v)

  Sum Daqmeyvam tera'ngan
  These places are nearby, Terran. CK

  Do' Sum matlh.
   (MO Expert Forum 9/97)

{retlh} "area beside, next to, beside" may also factor into this:

  loS... qIb HeHDaq, 'u' SepmeyDaq Sovbe'lu'bogh lenglu'meH He ghoSlu'bogh
   retlhDaq 'oHtaH
  It waits... on the edge of the galaxy, beside a passage to unknown regions
   of the universe.  DSN99


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