tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 21 14:20:15 1998

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Re: Klingon on Voyager Finale

From: Jimmyr17 <[email protected]>

>Arturis said something to Torres on Voyager tonight.  Anyone know what it
>means?  The closed captioning caught this "ku cha mee-roch"  to which
>said thank you.

Pay it no heed.  It's the usual meaningless Star Trek gibberish they try to
pass off as Klingon these days.  And as you can see, it proves yet again
that every single "Paramount-Hol" sentence uttered on those shows has the
syllable "cha" in it.

You see, what happens is this: the Star Trek writers know people like to
hear Klingon, and they know basically what it sounds like, so they just have
the actors choke up something with the syllable "cha" in it and call it

Stardate 98387.1

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