tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 18 12:26:42 1998

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Re: Project: Klingon magnetic poetry

At 10:53 98-05-18 -0700, Lt Barrows wrote:
}::engaging delurk mode::
}I recently stuck my set of magnetic poetry on the fridge, which resulted
}primarily in my brother and his weird friend writing all kinds of weird, sick,
}demented poetry on the refridgerator.
}It also resulted in my coming up with a neat idea: why not have magnetic tiles
}with Klingon words on them? After a bit of cutting and taping with bits of an
}index card, I discovered that this brainchild just might actually work, and
}work well! I only mad e a few words, but I had fun writing about talking
}cockroaches and things like that. Don't ask. 
}I should like to enlarge the scope of this project, and it helps that a friend
}of mine has a sheet of magnetic plastic-stuff I can play with. I'd like to
}bring my magnetic Klingon set to the qep'a' for folks to tinker with and see
}what everyone thinks.
}The question I have for y'all is: what kind of words would you suggest? I have
}a copy of a list of beginner's words Qov posted once, but I think it's on the
}hard drive I currently have disconnected. Switching drives on this computer is
}more of a pain in the behind than is at all fair. Anyhow, I'd like to hear
}what you guys think about this idea.

Dun qechlIj.  It's a fabulous idea.  Klingon words break easiliy into
manipulable Especially as Klingon words don't undergo internal changes for
tense or case or anything, there are very few irregular anythings, and so
many of the suffixes can be reused as verbs or nouns or as verb or noun
mI'mey lI' Dangu'meH yIngong 'ej qep'a'Daq qechlIj yIqembej.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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