tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 11 22:23:27 1998

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Re: Who is Captain Krankor?

At 14:38 98-05-11 -0700, K'elren maqa'vIan wrote:
}On Mon, 11 May 1998, Ken Nisewanger wrote:
}> Simple question (I think)
}> Who is Kaptain Krankor??
}I belive he was the first klingon grammatarion. He alos write a coloum in
}HolQeD each month.

A fair answer.  Captain Krankor, or HoD Qanqor (note the rank preceding the
name: he wrote it that way before we knew that it normally follows, and he
did not wish to change it), as he is known in Klingon, was one of the two
attendees at qep'a' wa'DIch who could actually converse in Klingon.  He
immerses himself deeply in the language and culture.  I'm going to qep'a'
vaghDIch so I can have a screaming fight with Qanqor, topic unimportant,
just so long as I get to scream and swear in Klingon at the top of my lungs
at someone who will yell back.  He's also the first person I ever had a real
conversation with in Klingon, the one who endured newbie-Qov screaming over
long distance phone lines "choyaj jay'!  qayajbej!  tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaH!"

Oh and ... yIghuH: Qanqor qej law' charghwI' qej puS.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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