tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 04 23:28:27 1998

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Re: real quick.......................

At 11:55 98-05-02 -0700, KiNgVoRtEx wrote:
}would "top secret" be said.... pegh'a'


A conversation on the MUSH with a former BG:

You say "Did someone answer that "top secret = pegh'a'?" post?"
ghunchu'wI' says "Not that I noticed."
ghunchu'wI' would have said something like 'top secret' is an adjective, so
a noun like pegh'a' wouldn't be a direct replacement; my suggestion would be
peghchu'bogh X.

Why type when I can cut 'n' paste?

Note, though, that {pegh} means "a secret"  "keep secret" and (from context
on PK) it seems also to mean "be secret."  

peghnISlu'chu' - it must be kept completely secret
peghchu'bogh De' - information that is [kept] completely secret
qatlh choja'Qo'? pegh'a' - why won't you tell me?  It's a high order secret.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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