tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 04 21:19:21 1998

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Re: KLBC: practice

At 21:58 98-05-02 -0700, betaSaq wrote:

}betaSaq 'oH pongwIj 'e'.  

The {-'e'} that should be on {pongwIj} is a noun suffix.  That means it
should be attached to the noun.  The word {'e'} is completely unrelated, and
never comes at the end of a sentence.

betaSaq 'oH pongwIj'e'.  

No space.

}*Betazed*ngan jIH.  tlhinganpu' vIHaD 'e' vIparHa'.

juHaDbej'a'? toH. pIghIjbe''a'?  *Betazed*ngan yoH SoHlaw'.

}tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaH 'ach qeq vIpoQ.  
}jonwI' jIH.  

}yabra' vIlaD 'e' vIparHa'.  

Even though the mind is intimately connected with the act of producing
language, it is not in itself a language-using being, so one wouldn't
ordinarily expect {-ra'} with it. I know it belongs to a language-using
being, but it's the language use of the *possession* not the *possessor*
that counts. Dayaj'a'?

I can see possible arguments that as a Betazoid your conversation is with
the mind itself, so therefore the mind is referred to as ... and so on.  If
that's what you're doing, I'm not going to comment, it being far enough
beyond what is described in TKD that my opinion would not be useful.

}batlh boghajbej.  Qapla'

rut. :)

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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