tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 25 20:31:41 1998

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David Baxter wrote:

> Somebody please correct me if I am wrong, but when I first subscribed to
> this list, it was a list for beginners. Now I am finding that the majority
> of messages are written by people who appear to be quite fluent in Klingon.

I suspect that these people who are fluent in Klingon now were once beginners like you and me.  Remember, the best way to learn any language is to immerse yourself in the culture.  I learnt french by living in France, and my co-workers often wouldn't speak to me in english so I had no choice but to learn french!
I learnt from people who spoke, and wrote, french better than I.  It's the same situation here.
> I have seriously considered unsubscribing from this list, and I know other
> people have unsubbed, also because of the complexity of the language now it
> too great.

That's a shame - I'm sure you won't learn it any quicker on your own.

> Please bring the list back to what it used to be... a help place for
> beginners, and a place where beginners can share new ideas and learn the
> Klingon language.

It *is* a place where beginners can get help and learn - the BG is there to correct our mistakes, and the other expert linguists often give advice too.
I say keep the list as it is - I find it user-friendly. I print off the shorter messages and translate them whenever I have time, which is not often enough I'm sad to say (partly explaining my slow progress in Klingon!)


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