tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 18 10:59:52 1998

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Re: -pu'

mujang "Anthony Appleyard" <[email protected]>:
>  jItlhIj. Qo'. 'ach lI', (copy)mey nablu'taHbogh (print)lu'bogh
>  Sorry. No. Only, it would help if future printings of it were revised.

chay' tlhIngan Hol mu'tlheghmeylIj DalIngtaH?  jIHvaD Qapbe' mIwlIj.
mu'ghom Dalo'bogh yIDel -- Hujlaw' mu'taylIj.  'ej qatlh ()mey Dalo'?

I don't know what process you're using to come up with your Klingon
sentences, but it's not yielding ones I can read.  I also wonder what
sort of dictionary you use.  Your vocabulary seems strange.  Why did
you not translate "print" as {ghItlh}, and why did you insist on the
word "copy" instead of being specific with {paq}?  And I'm sure you
have a good reason for using parentheses, but I usually expect things
with parentheses around them to be extra explanations that I can ignore
when trying to get the general meaning.

>> The proper explanation is obvious in the audiotapes.
>  paq mob je' ghotpu' law', ghogh (tape)mey je'be'.

latlh 'aH je'be'ta' chugh, chay' mu'ghom chu' je'qang?

If they bought only (use {neH}, not {mob}) the dictionary without any
other references, why would they want to buy a revised edition?  Again,
why did you not use the word {ta} for "tape", or do something with {qon}?

>> What in the world is "future aspect"?
>  I meant the "not yet started" aspect.

It's important to keep the concepts of "tense" and "aspect" separate.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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