tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 12 09:40:25 1998

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Re: SuvwI'bom

ja' Qermaq:
>So, while in English we might ask "Your captain is who?" or "Who is your
>captain?" and be requesting the same thing, in the Klingon if <nuq> or <'Iv>
>stands for the subject the response will be the name of the captain, pure
>and simple. (<HoDwI' ghaH pIqarD'e'>) But putting the 'question pronoun' in
>the object spot is similar to giving the answer and expecting the respondent
>to give the question. (At least this is your position.)

That's about it.  {'Iv ghaH HoD'e'?  nIHDaq mang wa'DIch ghaH HoD'e'}.

><veQDuj 'oH DujlIj'e'> = Your ship is a garbage scow. Some say "As for your
>ship, it's a garbage scow."
><DujlIj 'oH veQDuj'e'> = The garbage scow is your ship. "As for the garbage
>scow, it's your ship."

This was one of my earliest examples of how I perceive a distinction.  The
first is a powerful insult; the second is merely disappointing news for a
newly promoted captain.

>Dajqu' 'ach wej jIyajchu'. vIDelchu''a'?

pIm 'e' DaDelchu'.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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