tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 11 12:20:17 1998

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Re: Okrand on {yIH ngaghwI'} (PG13)

ghItlh vay':
> yIH ngaghwI'
>If this is translated as "one who mates with a tribble," perhaps it sounds
>too formal or clinical (in English, not in Klingon) to function as a curse
>or insult. If it's translated "tribble mater-wither" or something like
>that, it has a somewhat better tone, but it's questionable English and
>therefore lacks punch. But English isn't the issue here; Klingon is, and,
>unless I'm missing the point, /yIH ngaghwI'/ should work. I trust that, in
>the story, the Federation officer who utters the phrase is prepared for what
>the Klingon may do next.
I would say the best english translation for {yIH ngaghwI'} as a curse
would be "Tribble-F[oops!]er"
But as he says, English isn't the issue here, Klingon is. So think whatever
you want when you read a Klingon curse ;-)

>Voragh "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
>Ca'Non Master of the Klingons lis est." - Horace, Ars Poetica

Quvar muHwI'

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