tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 08 14:34:07 1998

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KLBC: Active Desktops


pIj naDev jIjatlhbe' 'ach pIj naDev jIjatlhlaH 'e' vItul
tlhIngan pabwIj qab 'ej mu'tay'wIj mach 'ach Dochmeyvetlh vIDub vIneH

tlhIngan 'Active Desktop' vIchenmoH 'e' vInIDtaH 'ach jIQaHnIS.
tlhIngan Hol mu'mey law' vISovbe' 'ej qechmey vIghajbe'
vIchelbogh Dochmey DachuplaH'a' ?


Translation: (I hope)

I do not talk here often but I hope I can talk here often.
My Klingon grammar is bad and my vocabulary is small but I want to improve
those things.

I am trying to build a Klingon Active Desktop but I need help.
I don't know many Klingon words and I don't have any ideas.
Can you suggest some things which I can add?


What I was trying to ask was, does anyone have any ideas of thinks I could
put on a Windows Active Desktop. I saw an LCARS one, and I am trying to
build one in tlhIngan Hol. I have a basic display with three buttons, ( one
links to mu' HaqwI', on to webcrawler and one to my computer) which displays
the pages in a central frame. If anyone has any ideas I would be very
grateful to here them.

This also gave me a chance to practice my tlhIngan Hol.


Chris Lipscombe
Computer Coordinater
Technical Services
Main Library, Bloomington Campus
Indiana University
[email protected]
  <mI' jIHbe', loD tlhab jIH!>

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