tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 08 07:42:02 1998

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RE: KLBC - DaH mughqa' tuv'el 'e' nIDlaw'

KLBC - DaH mughqa' tuv'el 'e' nIDlaw'

jabbI'IDwIj vebHa' vIqontaHvIS DoHa' jIQonglaw'!  wejpuH.  mu'tleghmey
Qatlh vIyajlaHbe'law'.  nuq vIjatlh vIneH 'e' vIbuS 'ach wa'
mu'tlheghDaq cha' wotmey lutu'lu'chugh jImiSqu'moH.  HevwI' wot nobwI'
je ngaSlaHba' mu' ghom.  latlh ghom choHchugh wa' ghom chay' vItoblaH?
wa' mu' ghom nobwI' 'oH'a' DIp pagh latlh ghom HevwI' 'oH'a' DIp?  [If
one phrase modifies another, how can I tell if a noun is the subject of
one phrase, or the object of the other?]  qagh Qop rur yabwIj...

Can a noun-noun construction include another noun-noun construction,
i.e. noun-noun-noun?  Or a noun-verb as adjective, i.e. puq Doy' QongDaq
"the tired child's bed?"

Can the rovers be' and qu' be used more than once in a verb

Can more than one adverbial modify the same sentence?

Can more than one adjective modify the same noun?

jIHDaq tuQDoq lo'lu'.

Here's what I meant:

mu' ghom - phrase (group of words)
HevwI' - object [noun] (recipient)
nobwI' - subject [noun] (giver)

- tuv'el pach puqloD

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