tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 02 13:44:07 1998

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Re: The Farmer's Treasure is the Warrior's Burden

At 09:23 AM 7/2/98 -0700, Voragh wrote:
>: > "The farmer's treasure is the warrior's burden."
>: I'd try
>:   vaj Qu' 'oH wIjwI' mIp'e' = The farmer's wealth is the warrior's task
>: OTOH, I'm hampered because I don't know what the English actually means.
>"It's the warrior's job to protect the farmer's assets"??
>: -- ter'eS
>I took it to mean that those things a farmer values -- a settled uneventful
>long life, quiet evenings with the family, the rhythm and predictability of
>working the land, etc. -- are burdensome, boring and tedious to an active,
>adventure-loving, glory-seeking warrior.  

Oh, that's considerably different.  Then how about

SuvwI'vaD lo'laHbe' wIjwI' luyonbogh Dochmey'e'

-- ter'eS

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