tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 02 16:09:47 1998

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ruv Huj

I've had the idea for a Twilight Zonette (the little segments that
sometimes used to run after a not quite full length episode of the New
Twilight Zone) running around in my head for years. The whole idea grew
out of a mental image of Joan Cusack playing the judge and saying the
last line (in English, of course). I've never written it in English.

This story takes place in and around a courtroom - specifically a late
20th century US courtroom. It is written in Klingon, and the dialogue
often has a Klingon mood, but this is NOT a Klingon story. I've also
taken a wee bit of liberty in vocabulary, such as <HubwI'> for defense
attorney, <HIvwI'> for prosecutor, and <noHwI'> for judge. The names are
unmarked. They are: Quratlh (the judge) and vaHur (the defendant).

bo'DIj letlhDaq <puqwI' DaHoH> jach Heghpu'bogh puq SoS. <DaHuplu'be'
'e' vIHaj. puqwI' DaSaHbe'ba'. bISaH'egh neH.> jatlh. yIttaH neH ghot
pumlu'bogh. jatlhbe'. jachbogh SoS'e' leghlaHbe'law'.

bo'DIj vaS 'el Hoch. quSchaj Sam 'ej ba'. loS. 'el bo'DIj yaS. ja':
<peQam. DaH vangqa' bo'DIjvam. che' Quratlh noHwI' quv.> 'el noHwI' 'ej
<peba'> ra'. ba' Hoch.

ra' noHwI': <yIjatlh, HubwI'>

jatlh HubwI': <qalchoH 'Iw chovnatlh 'e' chaw' Hung yaS. ngoDvam
vItobta'. vaj vaHur qama' tlhabmoHlu' 'ej pumHa'lu' 'e' vIpoQneS.>

QIt jangchoH noHwI'. jatlhtaHvIS QeHlaw'. <jIQoch, HubwI'. loQ vangHa'
Hung.> loQ yev. <yIQam, vaHur qama'. bIyepHa'mo' 'ej bIchechmo' puq
DaHoH. teHbej ngoDvam, 'ach toblaHchu'be' bo'DIjvam. qatlhabnISmoH. DaH
bIpumHa'lu' 'e' vIra'.>

vaHur mInDu' buS noHwI' mInDu'. 

QIt ghel <bIyaj'a'?>

qaStaHvIS poH mach loQ wovchoH vaS, 'ach wanI'vam tu' pagh. chaq Hov'a'
So'Ha' 'eng 'ej So'qa'.

<HIja'> jang vaHur.

<vaj bo'DIj vaSwIjvo' yIghoS> ra' noHwI'.

Hoy'chuq vaHur, HubwI' je. Qam vaHur qorDu' 'ej monchoH. Quchba' vaSvo'
mej HIvwI', noHwI', Heghpu'bogh puq SoS je. pagh lujatlh 'ej qabDu'chaj
pagh lughItlhlu'.

<maQap!> jatlh vaHur Sey.

<chaq ...> neH jang HubwI'. vaS'a' mej montaHvIS.

bo'DIj vaSvo' mej vaHur qorDu'. letlhDaq ghIr 'ej He HeHDaq Qam.
vaHurvaD QItqu' qaSchoH Hoch. vIHlaHbe'law'. bejlaH neH. He botlhvo'
ghoS lupwI'. chIjHa'lu'law'. pay' pe'vIl tlhe' 'ej nom He HeH ghoS. HeH
juS 'ej vaHur puq ngeQ. 

puqDajDaq qet vaHur. puq porgh mach Qaw'law' lupwI'. Dejpu' roDaj. loQ
tlhuHlaH puqDaj 'e' tu' vaHur, 'ach HarlaHbe'. <chay' yIntaH> SIv.
puqDaj qab buS, 'ej yIntaH 'e' tu'. <HIQaH vavoy> tlhup puq. ghoghDaj
qat bech. poSchoH nujDaj, 'ej HurghchoH mInDu'Daj. Hegh.

Qaw''eghchoHlaw' vaHur yab. pagh leghlaH. pagh QoylaH. <HIQaH vavoy> neH
qawlaH. wovqu'choH Hoch, 'ej poSchoH vaHur mInDu'. nIHDaq Qam HubwI'Daj.
'etDaq 'oHtaH raS. 'o'Daq ba' qorDu'Daj, Hoch bejwI' je. yIntaH puqDaj,
'ej rIQbe'law'. bo'DIj vaSDaq Qamqa' 'e' tu'. mISqu', 'ach 'e' tu' pagh.
jatlhlaw' noHwI', vaj 'Ijqa' vaHur.

jatlhqa' noHwI' quv <bIyaj'a'?>

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