tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 31 07:02:51 1998

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tlhIngan Hol vIghojtaH. jIqeqnIStaH 'e' vISov. jIqeqQo'chugh vaj pujchoH 'ej
Hegh laHwIj. 'ach,  jIqeqtaHchugh 'ej jIHaDtaHchugh, vaj DubtaH laHwIj. 

By the way, I have thus far been unable to find a suitable way to translate
the verb "to flag,mark, tag, or indicate"  such as when a post is flagged to
the attention of the Beginner's Grammarian (ie. "KLBC")

What I was trying to say above, in case I totally 'hosed' it, is :

"I am learning the Klingon language. I know that I must continue to practice.
If I do not practice, then my skills (abilities) will wither (become weak) and
die. But, if I continue to practice and study, my skills will continue to

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