tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 13 08:15:40 1998

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Re: Problem Words

qaSDI' 12:42 AM 12/13/98 -0800, ghItlh charghwI':

>As I work at updating the New Words List, I have these quandries 
>that call for judgement calls. I'd appreciate your opinions so I 
>Hong boq chuyDaH: loS
>Impulse Fusion Thrusters - 4
>We already have {boq} and its definition does not include 
>"fusion". So, does this word also mean "fusion", or is it just 
>the middle word one uses when one refers to Impulse Fusion 
>Thrusters? I mean, why did we pick the word "fusion" in English? 
>It was arbitrary. 

What do you mean arbitrary?  Nuclear fusion is called that, because atoms
are being "fused" together into heavier elements.

But would a Klingon always use the word {boq} 
>where we'd use the word "fusion"?

I wouldn't assume that.  I think it's safe to use "boq" in reference to
nuclear fusion, since that is what it is refering to here, but I wouldn't
take it further than that without further canon.


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