tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 12 16:52:49 1998

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Re: Star Trek 9

In a message dated 12/12/98 7:06:08 PM EST, [email protected] writes:

<< 	--da laffin tlhIngan :>, who always pictured Worf as being older
 	than he apparently is. >>

I believe Worf is in his late 30s, early 40s.  He was the youngest (At about
25) in the beginning of Star Trek:  The Next Generation.  The planet's rings
produced a regenerating affect, allowing the inhabitants to stay young, even
to decrease the effects of age, it seems.  Perhaps the effects work faster on
Klingons?  That would explain his small (*ahem* "Klingons don't do anything in
small sizes, it seems."  William T Riker, Star Trek:  Insurrection) gorch

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