tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 26 21:17:12 1998

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Re: Scrabble

ja' Qov:
>I think the Scrabble game is missing an important point.  In trying to
>copy the English system the deviser of the Klingon version isn't
>taking the scoring system into full consideration...

We simply have had so much fun *playing* it that the scores haven't
been an issue yet. :-)  You're right, though; the letter values are
not representative of their ease of placement.  Maybe we will tweak
them before too many people start making semi-permanent sets.  What
would it take to get someone to make a multiplayer, Internet-based,
easily-used Klingon Scrabble program, so we can test out scoring?

>Playability is the measure.  A high point letter should be as much a
>curse as a blessing.

So far, playability hasn't been an issue.  Let's get some more play
going and find out where the kinks are.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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