tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 02 11:52:07 1998

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Re: how big...

---Nathan Grange <[email protected]> wrote:
> I was just talking to someone and found myself asking how big was the
> program...
> I wrote: tIn ar?
> He won't know the difference, but you don't say 'tIn ar'  do
> much/many big)
> so it should be  logh ar teb?  how much space does it fill, or Dan,

Good thinking.  Remember that it's spelled /'ar/ not */ar / -- no
Klingon words start with vowels -- and you're right, you don't use
/'ar/ with /tIn/, only with nouns.  /logh/ refers to space as in outer
space, not space as in a gap or capacity.  /Dan/ referrs to military
occupation, and the connotations of armed patrols, terrorized
civilians and martial law aren't quite right for program size.

The easiest way to ask this question is just /tIn'a'/?  "Is it big?" 
People are likely to answer "No, it will fit on a floppy," or "Yeah,
you need 40 MB on your hard drive."

You could also say /*Megabyte* 'ar natlh?/ "How many MB does it use
up?"  That's vague, could refer to RAM or HD.  You could specify by
beginning the quetion with /vIpolmeH/ (to store it) or /QaptaHvIS/
(while it's operating).

Klingon has separate verbs for "to be -- tall"  "to be  -- long"  "to
be -- wide" so it probably has one to represent the size of a program,
but we don't know what it is, or the unit of measurement used in the


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