tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 27 20:50:03 1998

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Re: Correct me if I'm wrong but..

ghItlh SuStel:

>I can't say for sure, but I'd be willing to bet that the gender is tied up
>in the word, not in the context. With the feminine ship, I'm sure some
>Spanish speakers would waffle between the two words, but generally,
>"barco" be the correct term? If there are any native speakers of a language
>with grammatical gender reading this, what would you consider to be

Reading this made me think of another example in Klingon which relates to
this. I think it's in KGT, but since I don't have the text handy I can't
verify that. I recall a usage of legs of a pot or something referred to as
<'uSDu'> - using the body parts suffix, even though it refers to a plural of
parts of a thing. Again, I may have the source, or even the exact term,
wrong. But it is a canonical example of a suffix normally reserved for a
usual usage carried over to a different usage where it might seem incorrect.

Can anyone confirm this for me, and does anyone have comments?


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