tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 25 04:44:50 1998

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Re: Verb prepositional concepts

SuStel has ignored deductive reasoning in favor of circular reasoning.  He
shows that {qImHa'} comes from {qIm}.  But he then refutes himself by saying
that {qImHa'} explains only {qImHa'}.

Due to the his saying that we use KLingon words the way they are entered in
the dictionary--until we see canon usage which gives us clarification to
anything beyond the dictionary meaning-- the intransitive gloss of {qIm} and
the transitive gloss of {qImHa'} should mean to SuStel that {qIm} is only
intransitive while {qImHa'} may be used transitively.  Then, he back-tracks
again by saying that {qImHa'} is only intransitive only because its root,
{qIm} must be intransitive.  The gloss for {qImHa'} is "disregard".  Why does
SuStel have a problem with "disregarding [an Object]"?

By looking at the later entry into the language, we can see more deeply the
earlier entry means.  

Because {qImHa'} means "disregard," by stripping the added rover {-Ha'} we can
see that {qIm} does indeed mean "regard," even though no such gloss appears.
Because "regard [an Object]" is clearly logical, {qIm} may yet prove to have


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