tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 20 08:29:19 1998

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Re: Greetings

At 08:08 98-04-20 -0700, Korg wrote:
}I have translated the chorus "Praise Him" into tlhingan.
}I'll send it to you later if you're interested.

Forgive the smile on my lips, but the conjunction of "I'm new at Klingon"
and "I have translated <song or literary passage> into Klingon" is a
stereotype and a classic recipe for frustration.

Are you sure of the rules for word order within a sentence?  How do you
handle the imperative?  Does Klingon have a vocative? 

I'm interested in seeing your tranlation of something like:

"The officer will repair the warp drive."
"Seven ships moved sideways across the sky."
  working up to
"The angry merchant began to abuse the targ because the targ had eaten all
the qagh sauce."
"If you do not honour the spirit whom I respect, then go."
  before I look at literary translations.

Achieving Klingon fluency requires getting your mind inside the way Klingon
ideas are expressed.  Translating English idioms, poetic shortcuts, songs
and bon mots is not productive in this.  I've seen it many times.

Lest I sound meaner and nastier here than can be accounted for by mere
Klingon persona, I'll add that I'm very glad you want to become fluent, that
I'm sure the Klingon Bible project will be delighted to have you, and I do
look forward to seeing your Klingon.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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