tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 16 08:31:07 1998

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The night before qep'a'

I bought a ticket to Philidelphia for qep'a'.  Last year I arrived in the
middle of dinner and kind of didn't like that.  This year I tried to get a
flight earlier in the day, but there was nothing available.  So I took a
chance ...

I bought a ticket that get me to Philidelphia at 5:45 pm on the 21st, the
day BEFORE qep'a' starts.  I'm gambling on there being someone from the
Philidelphia area willing to put up with me for the night.  Failing that,
someone else arriving early and willing to share a hotel room.  I won't be
travelling in costume (no messy makeup, no embarrassing scenes with the
neighbours), I am not allergic to your pets, I won't keep your kids up late
(but I will talk to them in Klingon), and I consider the floor a perfectly
acceptable place to sleep.

While I'm at it, I also need a regular qep'a' roommate.  My roommate should
be non-smoking, not allergic to latex (I use it in costumes and make-up) and
tolerant of me coming in late, getting up early, making a mess and speaking
Klingon all the time, even in emergencies.  Oh and I'm female, and I
understand local moral codes suggest you should be too, to room with me.  I
won't sleep on the floor during qep'a'.  I probably won't *sleep* all that
much. :)

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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