tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 10 19:42:55 1998

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Re: KLBC: "bicycle pump"

>}>chay' "bicycle pump" mughlu'? :-)
>}latlh DaqaD 'e' vISov, 'ach 'e' vImugh vInID.
>}leng HabmoHwI'	 trip smoother?
>}naQmoH gho 		 circle filler upper?
>"The circle makes whole"
>You'd want {gho naQmoHwI'} to express "thing that makes a circle whole," but
>as I'm sure you realize, no one would every figure out we were talking about
>a tire pump without a lot more explanation.
>It's a hard one.  I'd probably use something like {*bicycle* SIp raDwI'} or
>maybe {SIp ghoDwI'}.  jIngor 'e' vISov.

How would you say this in english if we didn't have the english words:
bicycle, pump, and tire?



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