tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 05 17:07:12 1998

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veS bom

Cleaning up my mailbox I found some KLBC challenges I never issued.  Here's one.

For anyone who has read through the grammar section of TKD:

Find two Klingon words that rhyme.  
Incorporate them into two rhyming lines that use correct grammar.
Translate the rhyme into literal English.


loj qa'vIn. ratlh pugh.
jIQongchoH. qaS Qugh.

The coffee is gone.  The dregs remain.
I fall asleep.  A disaster happens.

The emphasis here is on KLINGON GRAMMAR.  Not art, meter, poetry, relevance
of the meaning of the two lines, or your ability to make the translation
sound good.  Two lines that don't rhyme, but have correct grammar are better
than to that do rhyme but break grammar rules in order to do so.


Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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