tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 03 20:49:43 1998

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Re: ghojmoH

ghItlh m109 SuStel je:

>>Words with -Ha' are not affected by the above postulation, but are they
>>words in their own right too?
>No, though there is absolutely no difference between, say, {bel} and
>{belHa'} as distinct words or as the same word, one with a suffix. Since no
>other suffix can go between the verb and {-Ha'}, the question is moot. The
>effect is the same in any case.

Well, not exactly moot. If <parHa'> were a word on its own (which it is
not), I could say <*qaparHa'Ha'> "I liked you for wrong reasons," much as we
can say <qavoqHa'> "I trusted you for wrong reasons." Or if I ripped my
tunic and trousers because I was too drunk to take them off properly, one
could say <*DatuQHa'moHHa'> "You undress poorly." But we cannot.


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