tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 28 11:12:36 1997

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Re: KLBC: Some phrases.

: }ja'pu' 'eQ:
: }>I've got loads of money.
: }>{Huch law' vIghaj.} or perhaps {DeQ law' vIghaj.}
: }>(Don't know if one can use {law'} on "money".)
: }
: }jang Qov:
: }>Yes. {law'} works on both countable and uncountable nouns.
: }
: }ngoDHeyvam DaSovbej'a'?
: }'olbogh chovnatlh vItu'pu'be'.

janqqa' Qov: 
: wI'ol 'e' vIqaw 'ach 'olbogh mu'tlhegh vIqawbe'.  chaq vIqawHa'.  Voraghoy,
: SovwI''a', bISaH'a'?

Qovoy, jISaHbej 'ach motlh jItamtaH.

Here is <law'> in canon, exclusive of law'/puS constructions. This does not
yet include the new material from KGT (I still haven't found the time to add
all the references from KGT page by page into my AKD).

 - tlhIngan Dujmey law'qu' SommeyDaq batlh cha'lu' 
   [It] has been emblazoned upon the hulls of countless Klingon starships. SP1

 - HoS law'qu' luch law'qu' je lo' Duj nuH pat Hub pat je
   A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its
weapons grid and 
   defensive systems. SP3

 - chIch vay' 'oy'moHmeH 'oy'naQ 'ul law' tlhuD 'oH
   Painstiks... emit a highly-charged shock for the express purpose of
inflicting pain. S32

 - HoS law'qu' natlhmo' So'wI'
   Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking device... S33 

Qov is right. You can indeed use <law'> with both ships <Duj>, which can be
counted, as well as power/energy <HoS> or electricity <'ul>, which can not
(at least in English). 


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