tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 13 02:01:19 1997

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RE: bIQ'a' Doq bIngDaq

  ghItlhpu' [email protected] (Alan Anderson):-

> >  England Hol "underwater" mu' vItlha'.
> chay' mu' Datlha'?  jIyajbe'qa'.
  I was <following>/imitating English usage of the word "underwater".

> >  HuD law' 'oH Sinai-'e'. tI luHutlh. Mars yuQ lurur.
> Doq'a' yav?
  loQ Doq 'oH 'ej bIQ Hutlhqu'.

> Hujlaw' <bIH qoDDaq>.  yabwIj SIH qech.  chaq qaq <joj>.
HIja': England Hol "among".

> ngo''a' neH "monastery" Dapongpu'bogh?  tIQ'a'?
  tIQ. boghpa' Allah mu'mey jatlhwI' 'oHbogh Muhammad, pa' choS HuDvetlhDaq
'oH monastery-vetlh'e'.

>>>> Mergulhar e amar o mar: bIQ'a' parHa'ghach 'oH bIQbIng (swim)ghach'e'.
>> Portugal Hol "To dive is to love the sea".
> Do'Ha' "infinitive" Hutlh tlhIngan Hol.
> qechvam DamughmeH, mu'mey DachoHnISmoHbej.
  "He who dives, loves the sea" without infinitives is not quite the same
shade of meaning.

> SoHvaD mu' <ghIr> vIchup.  bIQDaq ghIr "diver", qar'a'?
  cha' Dochmey 'oHlaH England Hol "dive", "diver" -'e'.
  (1) <ghIr>, "the aeroplane dived", "he dived off the diving-board" qoD rur.
  (2) <bIQ qoDDaq tlhuHwi' lo'>, <bIQ qoDDaq taH>: jI<scuba_dive>taHvIS, pIj
jIghIrtaHbe', 'a jISal ghap raptaH 'IvwIj 'e' vI'oHmoH.

>>> ... langlaH'a' Sutvam? ...
>>  jeD bIQbIngSutwIj, 'a 'oHDaq yap Sut lang.
> <'Iw jeD law' bIQ jeD puS> yIqaw.  jeDlaHbe'law' Sut.
  It is made of foam rubber.
  <jeD> is the only word for "thick" that I could find.
  'a jItlhIj: DaH naDev <langHa'> vIlo'laH 'e' vItlhoj.

> >  wa' ram 'oHDaq chalDaq maS Dechbogh gho tIn wov'e' leghlu'pu' ...
> <-pu'> law' vIlaD. loQ mumISmoH bIH.  ghorgh qaS wanI'?
  qastaHvIS 1996 March 4 ram, Thistlegorm Ras_Nasrani je jojDaq.

  bIQ'a'Daq qastaHvIS 1996 March 2 pov, SuS jev qaS. SuSvo' Haw' Dujmaj (Sea
Surveyor). Gulf_of_Aqaba ghoSpu' 'ej Ras_Muhammad bavpu' 'ej Sha`b_Mahmud
(= Mahmud naghmey) puH je jojDaq So'pu'. jISeypu'.

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