tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 25 19:58:09 1997

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Re: Re : Re: KLBC: Klingon desktop items (nuqneH)

[email protected] wrote:

> When I explained to a friend that Klingons didn't use really
> greetings, but
> such things as {nuqneH}, he reminded me that young French people use
> such an rude phrase as a greeting. Pronounced approximately
> {qesta'ta'}
> (with an English "s", not a tlhingan Hol "S") it might be roughly
> translated
> as "what do you have to ask? what's your problem?}
> Qapla' -- HdW

 Please compare the Australian owyergoin (How are you going?) and the
British How do you do? (yes I know, how do you do what?) as other
greetings. The French have also said ca va (pron: sa va) as a greeting
which would be close to the above Australian expression. Besides a
greeting heard in many languages is good day [examples bonjour, buenos
dias, buongiorno, guten tag] and just what does that mean : after all an
accepted reply in all of those languages is to repeat the same word -
not exactly the norm for human languages.
I believe the French phrase referred to is "qu'est-ce que tu as?" [pron:
kesk' tu a] which translated means "what have you got?".

nuqneH. cha'wIgh

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