tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 20 16:07:54 1997

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Expressing age.

I have read enough messages to know that saying "my name is ..." is a pain
in tlhingan Hol. But how would you say "My age is ..." ?
In French (I'm translating litterally into English) you would say
"My age is 37 years" only in answer to a question such as "What is your age?"
and in spoken French you would merely answer "37".
"I'm aged 37 years" is good for litteracy, but unused in real life.
What you say usually is "I have 37 years".

What about tlhingan Hol?

{wejmaH Soch ben jIngIpta'} (I was born 37 years ago}, which seems (to me)
the best way ?
{wejmaH Soch DIS jIyInlI'} (I've been living for 37 years -- I suspect many
solecisms here) ? (there's no word for "during" or "for" applying to
{muqanmoH wejmaH Soch DIS} (37 years made me old, a tentative for
English "I'm 37 years old") -- this could imply I feel old at 37 years
I had a hard life.

I bet this has been asked before I joined this list, anymay a mere example
would help me a lot.

-- Qapla' -- HdW


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