tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 06 06:25:51 1997

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Re: KLBC: -jaj on indefinite subjects

jatlh qoror:

>>  My question:  Can -lu' be translated this way with -jaj?  
>Why not?  What's wrong with a Type 5 suffux with a Type 9 suffix?  Also
>"QuvlIjDaq yIHmey tu'be'lu'jaj," mentioned by others.

  My question wasn't so generic as a Type 5 with a Type 9, though I could
have been clearer in that regard.  I was more concerned specifically with
how -jaj changes the meaning (or at least English translation) of the
indefinite subject.  That is:

  DaqaDlu'    means "You are challenged"

but does

  DaqaDlu'jaj   mean "May you *be* challenged"?

  It seemed that way, but I'm not a linguist and I'm still learning how the
grammatical hairs can be split.  It seemed worth asking. (As to <QuvlIjDaq
yIHmey tu'be'lu'jaj>, I looked for canon, but just got PK, so missed it.  I
figured someone would let me know...)

>If you wanted it to be active, how about:
>reH qaDmey DaHevjaj

  Yeah, that's closer to what I wanted.  But if the *-lu'jaj* combo works,
I'll go with it. Brevity seems more Klingon.


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