tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 23 13:58:49 1997

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January 22, 1997 10:53 PM EST, jatlh Gerald Borleis:

> SuStel-
> please try and direct me to the right answer without giving me the answer.


> naDev bIvombe'churgh
> bIneHbe'
> IF you are not Employed here.
> You are not Welcome here.

Is this meant as one sentence?  Kinda like a "No admittance to unauthorized 
personnel" sign?

The word for "work" is {vum}, not {vom}.  And the "if" suffix is {-chugh}, not 
{-churgh}.  Otherwise the first line is pretty good.

The second poses a problem, though.  You have really written, "You do not 
want."  Think about it: what exactly does "You are not welcome here" mean?  In 
the case of a sign on a door, it means, "Do not enter," or "You are not 
allowed to enter," or even "Go away!"  Now, can you rework your sentence to 
express this?

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 97064.8

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