tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 06 09:24:49 1997

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Re: Okrand and parmaq

jatlh ~mark:
> I thought Marc specifically said that we don't know the exact part of
> speech for "parmaq."

That's funny!  As I recall it, he said something to the effect of "Like it 
or not, we have a word for love {parmaq} from Looking for Par'Mach... we 
know it's a noun, but even I'm not sure of it's exact usage."  I could be 
wrong... a quick check of the archives will clear it up though!  Ahh... 
here it is!

jatlh Okrand:
We do know that there is a Klingon word for
"love," meaning something like what we mean by the word.
It is parmaq. We heard this word for the first time in a
recent episode of Deep Space Nine where Dax says that
parmaq is "the Klingon word for 'love,' but with more
aggressive overtones." She accuses Worf of having a "bad
case" of parmaq, which suggests it's a noun. (The episode
is called "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places";
there may be a good historical reason for the Federation
choosing the spelling "par'Mach," but, regardless, the
pronunciation of the word is parmaq.) Unfortunately, so
far, that's about all we know about the Klingon word for
"love." I'll have to do some additional research to find
out how the word is used correctly in a sentence.

The way I see it, the *only* source of evidence we have is the (admittedly 
non-canon) episode in question.  And Dax does clearly indicate that it is a 
noun through her usage.  Unless Marc says otherwise, I would think it is 
safe to assume that the word is used as a noun.  The Man Himself does say 
that he's not sure of usage... but until he decides, what else can we do?


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