tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 04 15:24:59 1997

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RE: KLBC - It's a trap.

>SuQujtaHvIS jagh ghaH ghol'e' reH 'e' yIpIH. nutoj reH 'e' nID.
>While you are playing, always expect your opponent to be your enemy. He's 
>always trying to deceive you.

Thank you but I really do want to use player not opponent.  I wanted to
emphise that the other player is an enemy (opponent). You are correct by
using both oppenent and enemy they do seem redundant.

Why do I have to say [SuQujtaHvIS]. It feels like I'm getting my point
across without it.

Thank you,
Heghtel yo' ra'wI'

vay''e' tay'moHbogh ghob chevlaHbe' Hegh.

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